QuantumFrontiers Current News
Good humour down to the tips of your hair

Good humour down to the tips of your hair

© Markus Etzkorn/TU Braunschweig
Smaller than a red blood cell, this smiley fits comfortably on a hair.

TU Braunschweig's picture of the month for July demonstrates this: Even a small smile can make a big difference. For maximum effect, the picture of the month shows a particularly small smile. 5 micrometres wide, to be precise. The smiley not only fits comfortably on a hair, the researchers of the QuantumFrontiers Cluster of Excellence (TG Electron Microscopy) have engraved it on a single hair together with students. The precision tool with a focused ion beam and super magnifier is located at the LENA research centre and is otherwise advancing research on the smallest possible scale.