QuantumFrontiers Current News
Michael Zopf receives Niedersachsen-Impuls Professorship

Michael Zopf receives Niedersachsen-Impuls Professorship

© Pinsdorf / LUH

About two million euros for the development of next-generation quantum photonic technologies

With the Impuls Professorships, Lower Saxony supports promising academic talents towards the end of their early career phase in order to offer them prospects and strengthen the scientific region. Michael Zopf from QuantumFrontiers is one of two researchers at Leibniz University who have now been awarded this funding.

With his research group Quantum Futur, he develops semiconductor devices for quantum photonics. Within the Impuls Professorship, he plans to further investigate the properties of colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) and use them to advance the research field of quantum photonics by developing and integrating new semiconductor nanomaterials into photonic devices. In this context, a versatile quantum photonic platform will be developed with the support of the Niedersachsen-Impuls professorship, paving the way for the next generation of quantum photonic technologies.

Read the full press release on the Leibniz University website.