QuantumFrontiers Current News
Professor Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy joined TU Braunschweig

Professor Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy joined TU Braunschweig

© Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig

Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy has been a professor at Technische Universität Braunschweig since July 2024. He heads the Department of Cryogenic Quantum Electronics at the Institute for Electrical Measurement and Fundamental Electrical Engineering. He is interested in superconductivity and magnetism and the quantum devices based on them in sensor and measurement technology, such as fluxons and magnons. Dobrovolskiy thus perfectly boosts QuantumFrontiers' quantum electronic research with new facets such as activities on non-equilibrium phenomena in electronic components, curvature-induced effects in 3D nano-architectures and fluxon and magnon-based data processing.

Read the interview with Professor Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy in TU Magazine