
QuantumFrontiers combines globally unique competences in the field of quantum and nanotechnology with its six participating research institutions. It has cutting-edge laboratories with extensive infrastructure facilities. They are the basis for collaborations in a wide range of research topics from quantum optics to geodesy, laser research, solid state and gravitational physics to nano and quantum technology.

QuantumFrontiers combines globally unique competences in the field of quantum and nanotechnology with its six participating research institutions. It has cutting-edge laboratories with extensive infrastructure facilities. They are the basis for collaborations in a wide range of research topics from quantum optics to geodesy, laser research, solid state and gravitational physics to nano and quantum technology.

Competences Database

The QuantumFrontiers competences database bundles information on the available infrastructure and expertise in the Cluster in one single place. Both internal and external cooperation partners thus have a tool at their disposal to find competences and the respective contact persons.

The entries range from Bose-Einstein condensate calculations, to chip processing and electron microscopy, to micro-photoluminescence and single-photon spectroscopy.

Expertise, services and infrastructures