QuantumFrontiers Current News
Manfred Hirschvogel Prize for Christoph Lotz

Manfred Hirschvogel Prize for Christoph Lotz

Christoph Lotz, team leader of the "Production in Space" research area at the Institute of Transport and Automation Technology (ITA) and member of the Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers, has been awarded the Manfred Hirschvogel Prize 2023 for his outstanding PhD thesis. With this prize, the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation has been honouring the best dissertations of the past year since 2013. It is awarded annually at all TU9 Universities to PhD students from the fields of mechanical engineering and economics. The award comes with prize money totalling 5,000 euros.

In his award-winning dissertation, Christoph Lotz investigated factors influencing the quality of experiments under microgravity in the Einstein Elevator. The Einstein Elevator at the Hannover Institute of Technology (HITec) enables experiments to be carried out under adjustable gravity conditions, such as those prevailing on the moon or Mars.