
Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) im Rahmen der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder – EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers – 390837967

Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers – 390837967

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Bailes, M., Berger, B. K., Brady, P. R., Branchesi, M., Danzmann, K., Evans, M., Holley-Bockelmann, K., Iyer, B. R., Kajita, T., Katsanevas, S., Kramer, M., Lazzarini, A., Lehner, L., Losurdo, G., Lück, H., McClelland, D. E., McLaughlin, M. A., Punturo, M., Ransom, S., ... Vitale, S. (2021). Gravitational-wave physics and astronomy in the 2020s and 2030s. Nature Reviews Physics, 3(5), 344-366.
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Hensel, T., Loriani, S., Schubert, C., Fitzek, F., Abend, S., Ahlers, H., Siemß, J. N., Hammerer, K., Rasel, E. M., & Gaaloul, N. (2021). Inertial sensing with quantum gases: a comparative performance study of condensed versus thermal sources for atom interferometry. European Physical Journal D, 75, Artikel 108.
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Ksenofontov, V., Pashkevich, Y. G., Panthöfer, M., Gnezdilov, V., Babkin, R., Klauer, R., Lemmens, P., & Möller, A. (2021). FeMoO4 revisited: Crosslike 90° noncollinear antiferromagnetic structure caused by dzyaloshinskii-moriya interaction. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(10), 5947-5956.
Wellmann, F., Bode, N., Steinke, M., Meylahn, F., Willke, B., Overmeyer, L., Weßels, P., Neumann, J., & Kracht, D. (2021). Coherent beam combining of two single-frequency 200W fiber amplifiers for gravitational wave detectors. In M. N. Zervas (Hrsg.), Fiber Lasers XVIII: Technology and Systems Artikel 116651J SPIE.
Tanaka, U., Nakamura, M., Hayasaka, K., Bautista-Salvador, A., Ospelkaus, C., & Mehlstäubler, T. E. (2021). Creation of double-well potentials in a surface-electrode trap towards a nanofriction model emulator. Quantum Science and Technology, 6(2), Artikel 024010.
Hochheim, S., Brockmüller, E., Wessels, P., Koponen, J., Lowder, T., Novotny, S., Neumann, J., & Kracht, D. (2021). Low noise spliceless single-frequency chirally-coupled-core all-fiber amplifier. In M. N. Zervas, & C. Jauregui-Misas (Hrsg.), Fiber Lasers XVIII: Technology and Systems Artikel 116651L (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Band 11665). SPIE.
Brockmüller, E., Hochheim, S., Wessels, P., Koponen, J., Lowder, T., Novotny, S., Neumann, J., & Kracht, D. (2021). Pump combiner with chirally coupled core fibers for side pumped single frequency all fiber amplifiers. In A. L. Glebov, & P. O. Leisher (Hrsg.), Components and Packaging for Laser Systems VII Artikel 116670J (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Band 11667). SPIE.
Booker, P., de Varona, O., Steinke, M., Weßels, P., Neumann, J., & Kracht, D. (2021). Two-stage fully monolithic single-frequency Er:Yb fiber amplifier at 1556 nm for next-generation of gravitational wave detectors. In M. N. Zervas, & C. Jauregui-Misas (Hrsg.), Fiber Lasers XVIII: Technology and Systems Artikel 116650O SPIE.
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Yudin, V. I., Taichenachev, A. V., Basalaev, M. Y., Prudnikov, O. N., Fürst, H. A., Mehlstaubler, T. E., & Bagayev, S. N. (2021). Combined atomic clock with blackbody-radiation-shift-induced instability below 10-19under natural environment conditions. New journal of physics, 23(2), Artikel 023032.
Fernández Scarioni, A., Barton, C., Corte-León, H., Sievers, S., Hu, X., Ajejas, F., Legrand, W., Reyren, N., Cros, V., Kazakova, O., & Schumacher, H. W. (2021). Thermoelectric Signature of Individual Skyrmions. Physical review letters, 126(7), Artikel 077202.
Trofymchuk, K., Glembockyte, V., Grabenhorst, L., Steiner, F., Vietz, C., Close, C., Pfeiffer, M., Richter, L., Schütte, M. L., Selbach, F., Yaadav, R., Zähringer, J., Wei, Q., Ozcan, A., Lalkens, B., Acuna, G. P., & Tinnefeld, P. (2021). Addressable nanoantennas with cleared hotspots for single-molecule detection on a portable smartphone microscope. Nature Communications, 12(1), Artikel 950.
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Dharmawan, A. B., Mariana, S., Scholz, G., Hörmann, P., Schulze, T., Triyana, K., Garcés-Schröder, M., Rustenbeck, I., Hiller, K., Wasisto, H. S., & Waag, A. (2021). Nonmechanical parfocal and autofocus features based on wave propagation distribution in lensfree holographic microscopy. Scientific reports, 11(1), Artikel 3213.
Biskupek, L., Müller, J., & Torre, J. M. (2021). Benefit of new high-precision llr data for the determination of relativistic parameters. Universe, 7(2), Artikel 34.,
Krumbein, L., Anggara, K., Stella, M., Michnowicz, T., Ochner, H., Abb, S., Rinke, G., Portz, A., Dürr, M., Schlickum, U., Baldwin, A., Floris, A., Kern, K., & Rauschenbach, S. (2021). Fast Molecular Compression by a Hyperthermal Collision Gives Bond-Selective Mechanochemistry. Physical review letters, 126(5), Artikel 056001.
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Bisset, R. N., Ardila, L. A. P., & Santos, L. (2021). Quantum Droplets of Dipolar Mixtures. Physical Review Letters, 126(2), Artikel 025301.
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Wolter, S., Spende, H., Gülink, J., Hartmann, J., Wehmann, H. H., Waag, A., Lex, A., Avramescu, A., Lugauer, H. J., von Malm, N., Drolet, J. J., & Strassburg, M. (2021). Size-dependent electroluminescence and current-voltage measurements of blue ingan/gan µleds down to the submicron scale. Nanomaterials, 11(4), Artikel 836.
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