
Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) im Rahmen der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder – EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers – 390837967

Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers – 390837967

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Yu, J., Legero, T., Riehle, F., Ma, C. Y., Herbers, S., Nicolodi, D., Kedar, D., Oelker, E., Ye, J., & Sterr, U. (2022). Novel Noise Contributions in Crystalline Mirror Coatings. In 2022 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS)
Sorokina, A., Du, G., Grimpe, C., Dickmann, J., Mehlstäubler, T., Kroker, S., & Sauer, S. (2022). Polarization Control over Light via Integrated Grating Outcoupling Structure for Trapped Ion Quantum Computers. In META 2022 Torremolinos - Spain: The 12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (S. 1024-1026). (META proceedings).
Schneewind, M., Booker, P., Iakushev, S., Weßels, P., Willke, B., Neumann, J., & Kracht, D. (2022). Thermo-optical wavefront distortions in Nd:YVO4 laser amplifiers. In P. Helfenstein (Hrsg.), 10th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference on Solid-State, Fibre, and Waveguide Coherent Light Sources (EUROPHOTON 2022): Hannover, Germany, August 28-September 2, 2022 (S. 01012). (EPJ Web of Conferences; Band 267). EDP Sciences.
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Evlyukhin, A. B., Poleva, M. A., Prokhorov, A. V., Baryshnikova, K. V., Miroshnichenko, A. E., & Chichkov, B. N. (2021). Polarization Switching Between Electric and Magnetic Quasi-Trapped Modes in Bianisotropic All-Dielectric Metasurfaces. Laser and Photonics Reviews, 15(12), Artikel 2100206.
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Gnezdilov, V., Lemmens, P., Wulferding, D., Kitada, A., & Kageyama, H. (2021). Magnetic and lattice excitations in the quasi-2D quantum spin compound (CuCl)LaNb2O7. Low temperature physics, 47(11), 928-936.
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Büscher, F., Müllner, S., Wulferding, D., Pashkevich, Y. G., Gnezdilov, V., Peshkov, A. A., Surzhykov, A., & Lemmens, P. (2021). Raman scattering of plane-wave and twisted light off chiral molecular liquids. Low temperature physics, 47(11), 959-965.
Glamazda, A., Sharafeev, A., Bohle, R., Lemmens, P., Choi, K. Y., Chou, F. C., & Sankar, R. (2021). Легування від CDW до топологічної надпровідності: роль дефектів у розсіюванні фононів у нецентросиметричному PbxTaSe2. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 47(11), 994-1002.
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Hong, S. J., Xiao, X., Wulferding, D., Belke, C., Lemmens, P., & Haug, R. J. (2021). Strain-induced doping and zero line mode at the fold of twisted Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene. 2D Materials, 8(4), Artikel 045009.
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Gnezdilov, V., Kurnosov, V., Pashkevich, Y., Bera, A. K., Islam, A. T. M. N., Lake, B., Lobbenmeier, B., Wulferding, D., & Lemmens, P. (2021). Non-Abelian statistics in light-scattering processes across interacting Haldane chains. Physical Review B, 104(16), Artikel 165118.
Gersema, P., Voges, K. K., Meyer zum Alten Borgloh, M., Koch, L., Hartmann, T., Zenesini, A., Ospelkaus, S., Zenesini, A., Lin, J., & Wang, D. (2021). Probing Photoinduced Two-Body Loss of Ultracold Nonreactive Bosonic Na23Rb87 and Na23K39 Molecules. Physical review letters, 127(16), Artikel 163401.
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Chichkov, N. B., Evlyukhin, A. B., & Chichkov, B. N. (2021). Massive surface-plasmon polaritons. Nanophotonics, 10(14), 3777-3778.
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Anders, F., Idel, A., Feldmann, P., Bondarenko, D., Loriani, S., Lange, K., Peise, J., Gersemann, M., Meyer-Hoppe, B., Abend, S., Gaaloul, N., Schubert, C., Schlippert, D., Santos, L., Rasel, E., & Klempt, C. (2021). Momentum Entanglement for Atom Interferometry. Physical Review Letters, 127(14), Artikel 140402.
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Ustimenko, N., Baryshnikova, K. V., Melnikov, R., Kornovan, D., Ulyantsev, V., Chichkov, B. N., & Evlyukhin, A. B. (2021). Multipole optimization of light focusing by silicon nanosphere structures. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 38(10), 3009-3019.