
Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) im Rahmen der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder – EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers – 390837967

Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers – 390837967

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Sterin, P., Abaspour, L., Lonnemann, J. G., Rugeramigabo, E. P., Huebner, J., & Oestreich, M. (2022). Temperature-dependent electron spin relaxation at the metal-to-insulator transition in n-type GaAs. Physical Review B, 106(12), Artikel 125202.
Martinez-Lahuerta, V. J., Eilers, S., Mehlstaeubler, T. E., Schmidt, P. O., & Hammerer, K. (2022). Ab initio quantum theory of mass defect and time dilation in trapped-ion optical clocks. Physical Review A, 106(3), Artikel 032803.
Müller, V., Hauk, M., Misfeldt, M., Müller, L., Wegener, H., Yan, Y., & Heinzel, G. (2022). Comparing GRACE-FO KBR and LRI Ranging Data with Focus on Carrier Frequency Variations. Remote sensing, 14(17), 4335. Artikel 4335.
Lobo, I. P., Pfeifer, C., Morais, P. H., Batista, R. A., & Bezerra, V. B. (2022). Two-body decays in deformed relativity. Journal of high energy physics, 2022(9), Artikel 3.
Schubert, M., Kilzer, L., Dubielzig, T., Schilling, M., Ospelkaus, C., & Hampel, B. (2022). Active impedance matching of a cryogenic radio frequency resonator for ion traps. Review of scientific instruments, 93(9), Artikel 093201.
Völksen, F., Devlin, J. A., Borchert, M. J., Erlewein, S. R., Fleck, M., Jäger, J. I., Latacz, B. M., Micke, P., Nuschke, P., Umbrazunas, G., Wursten, E. J., Abbass, F., Bohman, M. A., Popper, D., Wiesinger, M., Will, C., Blaum, K., Matsuda, Y., Mooser, A., ... Ulmer, S. (2022). A high-Q superconducting toroidal medium frequency detection system with a capacitively adjustable frequency range > 180 kHz. Review of scientific instruments, 93(9), Artikel 093303.
Diekmann, L. F., Kassner, A., Dencker, F., & Wurz, M. C. (2022). Nonevaporable getter-MEMS for generating UHV conditions in small volumina. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 40(5), Artikel 054202.
Jamadagni, A., & Weimer, H. (2022). Operational definition of topological order. Physical Review B, 106(8), Artikel 085143.,
Junker, J., Wilken, D., Steinmeyer, D., & Heurs, M. (2022). Reconstructing Gaussian bipartite states with a single polarization-sensitive homodyne detector. Optics express, 30(19), 33860-33868.
Cope, T., & Osborne, T. J. (2022). Extremal steering assemblages. Physical Review A, 106(2), Artikel 022221.,
Kalin, J., Sievers, S., Füser, H., Schumacher, H. W., Bieler, M., García-Sánchez, F., Bauer, A., & Pfleiderer, C. (2022). Optically excited spin dynamics of thermally metastable skyrmions in Fe0.75Co0.25Si. Physical Review B, 106(5), Artikel 054430.
Close, C., Trofymchuk, K., Grabenhorst, L., Lalkens, B., Glembockyte, V., & Tinnefeld, P. (2022). Maximizing the Accessibility in DNA Origami Nanoantenna Plasmonic Hotspots. Advanced materials interfaces, 9(24), Artikel 2200255.
Nicklaus, K., Voss, K., Feiri, A., Kaufer, M., Dahl, C., Herding, M., Curzadd, B. A., Baatzsch, A., Flock, J., Weller, M., Müller, V., Heinzel, G., Misfeldt, M., & Delgado, J. J. E. (2022). Towards NGGM: Laser Tracking Instrument for the Next Generation of Gravity Missions. Remote sensing, 14(16), 4089. Artikel 4089.
Bittermann, L., De Beule, C., Frombach, D., & Recher, P. (2022). Probing Majorana bound states via a pn junction containing a quantum dot. Physical Review B, 106(7), Artikel 075305.
Paczkowski, S., Giusteri, R., Hewitson, M., Karnesis, N., Fitzsimons, E. ., Wanner, G., & Heinzel, G. (2022). Postprocessing subtraction of tilt-to-length noise in LISA. Physical Review D, 106(4), Artikel 042005.
Probst, B., Virtanen, P., & Recher, P. (2022). Sub- to Super-Poissonian crossover of current noise in helical edge states coupled to a spin impurity in a magnetic field. Physical Review B, 106(8), Artikel 085406.
Zhang, W., van Leent, T., Redeker, K., Garthoff, R., Schwonnek, R., Fertig, F., Eppelt, S., Rosenfeld, W., Scarani, V., Lim, C. C. W., & Weinfurter, H. (2022). A device-independent quantum key distribution system for distant users. NATURE, 607(7920), 687-691.,
Norcia, M. A., Poli, E., Politi, C., Klaus, L., Bland, T., Mark, M. J., Santos, L., Bisset, R. N., & Ferlaino, F. (2022). Can Angular Oscillations Probe Superfluidity in Dipolar Supersolids? Physical review letters, 129(4), Artikel 040403.,
Neoričić, L., Jusko, C., Mikaelsson, S., Guo, C., Miranda, M., Zhong, S., Garmirian, F., Major, B., Brown, J. M., Gaarde, M. B., Couairon, A., Morgner, U., Kovačev, M., & Arnold, C. L. (2022). 4D spatio-temporal electric field characterization of ultrashort light pulses undergoing filamentation. Optics express, 30(15), 27938-27950.
Brockmueller, E., Wellmann, F., Lutscher, D., Kimmelma, O., Lowder, T., Novotny, S., Lachmayer, R., Neumann, J., & Kracht, D. (2022). CO2-laser-ablation-assisted fabrication of signal-pump combiners with chirally coupled core fibers for co- and counter-pumped all-fiber amplifiers. Optics express, 30(15), 25946-25957.
Heinze, J., Danzmann, K., Willke, B., & Vahlbruch, H. (2022). 10 dB Quantum-Enhanced Michelson Interferometer with Balanced Homodyne Detection. Physical review letters, 129(3), Artikel 031101.
Junker, J., Wilken, D., Johny, N., Steinmeyer, D., & Heurs, M. (2022). Frequency-Dependent Squeezing from a Detuned Squeezer. Physical review letters, 129(3), Artikel 033602.
Edler, D., Ardila, L. A. P., Cabrera, C. R., & Santos, L. (2022). Anomalous buoyancy of quantum bubbles in immiscible Bose mixtures. Physical Review Research, 4(3), Artikel 033017.,
Kiehn, H., Singh, V. P., & Mathey, L. (2022). Implementation of an atomtronic SQUID in a strongly confined toroidal condensate. Physical Review Research, 4(3), Artikel 033024.
Wolf, A., Boegel, P., Meister, M., Balaz, A., Gaaloul, N., & Efremov, M. A. (2022). Shell-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates based on dual-species mixtures. Physical Review A, 106(1), Artikel e013309.,
Bahl, H., Fuchs, E., Heinemeyer, S., Katzy, J., Menen, M., Peters, K., Saimpert, M., & Weiglein, G. (2022). Constraining the CP structure of Higgs-fermion couplings with a global LHC fit, the electron EDM and baryogenesis. European Physical Journal C, 82(7), Artikel 604.,
Meyer, J., Dickmann, W., Kroker, S., Gaedtke, M., & Dickmann, J. (2022). Thermally induced refractive index fluctuations in transmissive optical components and their influence on the sensitivity of Einstein telescope. Classical and quantum gravity, 39(13), Artikel 135001.
Singh, V. P., & Mathey, L. (2022). First and second sound in a dilute Bose gas across the BKT transition. New journal of physics, 24(7), Artikel 073024.,
Okugawa, T., Park, S., Recher, P., & Kennes, D. M. (2022). Vortex control in superconducting Corbino geometry networks. Physical Review B, 106(2), Artikel 024501.,
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics (2022). Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era - A review. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 125, Artikel 103948.
Ricci, F., Cuairan, M. T., Schell, A. W., Hebestreit, E., Rica, R. A., Meyer, N., & Quidant, R. (2022). A Chemical Nanoreactor Based on a Levitated Nanoparticle in Vacuum. ACS NANO, 16(6), 8677-8683.
Yang, J., Zopf, M., Li, P., Sharma, N. L., Nie, W., Benthin, F., Fandrich, T., Rugeramigabo, E. P., Hopfmann, C., Keil, R., Schmidt, O. G., & Ding, F. (2022). Statistical limits for entanglement swapping with semiconductor entangled photon sources. Physical Review B, 105(23), Artikel 235305.
Sunami, S., Singh, V. P., Garrick, D., Beregi, A., Barker, A. J., Luksch, K., Bentine, E., Mathey, L., & Foot, C. J. (2022). Observation of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas via Matter-Wave Interferometry. Physical review letters, 128(25), Artikel 250402.
Meylahn, F., Knust, N., & Willke, B. (2022). Stabilized laser system at 1550 nm wavelength for future gravitational-wave detectors. Physical Review D, 105(12), Artikel 122004.
Niermann, L., & Osborne, T. J. (2022). Holographic networks for ( 1+1 )-dimensional de Sitter space-time. Physical Review D, 105(12), Artikel 125009.
Vanhove, R., Lootens, L., Van Damme, M., Wolf, R., Osborne, T. J., Haegeman, J., & Verstraete, F. (2022). Critical Lattice Model for a Haagerup Conformal Field Theory. Physical review letters, 128(23), Artikel 231602.,
Käseberg, T., Grundmann, J., Siefke, T., Kroker, S., & Bodermann, B. (2022). Abbildende Müller-Matrix-Ellipsometrie für die Charakterisierung vereinzelter Nanostrukturen. Technisches Messen, 89(6), 438-446.
Cullen, T., Aronson, S., Pagano, R., Trad Nery, M., Cain, H., Cripe, J., Cole, G. D., Sharifi, S., Aggarwal, N., Willke, B., & Corbitt, T. (2022). Passive laser power stabilization via an optical spring. Optics letters, 47(11), 2746-2749.,
Zahn, H. P., Singh, V. P., Kosch, M. N., Asteria, L., Freystatzky, L., Sengstock, K., Mathey, L., & Weitenberg, C. (2022). Formation of Spontaneous Density-Wave Patterns in dc Driven Lattices. Physical Review X, 12(2), Artikel 021014.
Voges, K. K., Gersema, P., Hartmann, T., Ospelkaus-Schwarzer, S., & Zenesini, A. (2022). Hyperfine dependent atom-molecule loss analyzed by the analytic solution of few-body loss equations. Physical Review Research, 4(2), Artikel 023184.,
Willms, S., Melchert, O., Bose, S., Yulin, A., Oreshnikov, I., Morgner, U., Babushkin, I., & Demircan, A. (2022). Heteronuclear soliton molecules with two frequencies. Physical Review A, 105(5), Artikel 053525.
Bretón, N., Lämmerzahl, C., & Macías, A. (2022). Rotating structure of the Euler-Heisenberg black hole. Physical Review D, 105(10), Artikel 104046.
Hohls, F., Kashcheyevs, V., Stein, F., Wenz, T., Kaestner, B., & Schumacher, H. W. (2022). Controlling the error mechanism in a tunable-barrier nonadiabatic charge pump by dynamic gate compensation. Physical Review B, 105(20), Artikel 205425.
Barzel, R., Bruschi, D. E., Schell, A. W., & Laemmerzahl, C. (2022). Observer dependence of photon bunching: The influence of the relativistic redshift on Hong-Ou-Mandel interference. Physical Review D, 105(10), Artikel 105016.,
Spende, H., Margenfeld, C., & Waag, A. (2022). AlGaN Microfins as Nonpolar UV Emitters Probed by Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence. ACS PHOTONICS, 9(5), 1594-1604.
Singh, V. P., & Weimer, H. (2022). Driven-Dissipative Criticality within the Discrete Truncated Wigner Approximation. Physical Review Letters, 128(20), Artikel 200602.,
Venneberg, J. R., & Willke, B. (2022). Quantum correlation measurement of laser power noise below shot noise. Optics Continuum, 1(5), 1077-1084.,
Bland, T., Poli, E., Politi, C., Klaus, L., Norcia, M. A., Ferlaino, F., Santos, L., & Bisset, R. N. (2022). Two-Dimensional Supersolid Formation in Dipolar Condensates. Physical review letters, 128(19), Artikel 195302.,
Spengler, F., Rätzel, D., & Braun, D. (2022). Perspectives of measuring gravitational effects of laser light and particle beams. New journal of physics, 24(5), Artikel 053021.
Hartig, M.-S., Schuster, S., & Wanner, G. (2022). Geometric tilt-to-length coupling in precision interferometry: mechanisms and analytical descriptions. Journal of Optics, 24(6), Artikel 065601.