Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers – 390837967
Showing results 301 - 350 out of 744
Gaaloul, N., Meister, M., Corgier, R., Pichery, A., Boegel, P., Herr, W., Ahlers, H., Charron, E., Williams, J. R., Thompson, R. J., Schleich, W. P., Rasel, E. M., & Bigelow, N. P. (2022). A space-based quantum gas laboratory at picokelvin energy scales. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 7889.,
Gallemí, A., & Santos, L. (2022). Superfluid properties of a honeycomb dipolar supersolid. Physical Review A, 106(6), Article 063301.,
Ghosh, R., Mishra, C., Santos, L., & Nath, R. (2022). Droplet arrays in doubly dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, 106(6), Article 063318.,
Greinert, F., Voss, T., Müller, R., Krieg, L., Muthusamy, G., Rücker, F., & Bock-Müller, K. (2022). Ein spielerischer Einstieg in die Quantenprogrammierung mit QuantumVR. PhyDid B-Didaktik der Physik-Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung.
Hao, Z.-X., Haase, T., Jin, H.-B., Tao, Y.-Z., Wanner, G., Wu, R.-X., & Wu, Y.-L. (2022). Spot size estimation of flat-top beams in space-based gravitational wave detectors. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 32(1), Article 2250134.,
Hartig, M.-S., Schuster, S., & Wanner, G. (2022). Geometric tilt-to-length coupling in precision interferometry: mechanisms and analytical descriptions. Journal of Optics, 24(6), Article 065601.
Heinze, J., Danzmann, K., Willke, B., & Vahlbruch, H. (2022). 10 dB Quantum-Enhanced Michelson Interferometer with Balanced Homodyne Detection. Physical review letters, 129(3), Article 031101.
Heinze, J., Willke, B., & Vahlbruch, H. (2022). Observation of Squeezed States of Light in Higher-Order Hermite-Gaussian Modes with a Quantum Noise Reduction of up to 10 dB. Physical review letters, 128(8), Article 083606.
Herbers, S., Häfner, S., Dörscher, S., Lücke, T., Sterr, U., & Lisdat, C. (2022). Transportable clock laser system with an instability of 1.6 × 10-16. Optics letters, 47(20), 5441-5444.
Herbst, A., Albers, H., Stolzenberg, K., Bode, S., & Schlippert, D. (2022). Rapid generation of all-optical K39 Bose-Einstein condensates using a low-field Feshbach resonance. Physical Review A, 106(4), Article 043320.
Herr, W., Heine, N., Rasel, E. M., Müller, J., & Timmen, L. (2022). Gravity data acquisition and validation of the interferometric meaurement concept with the transportable absolute Quantum Gravimeter QG-1. Abstract from European Geosciences Union 2022, Wien, Austria.
Hohls, F., Kashcheyevs, V., Stein, F., Wenz, T., Kaestner, B., & Schumacher, H. W. (2022). Controlling the error mechanism in a tunable-barrier nonadiabatic charge pump by dynamic gate compensation. Physical Review B, 105(20), Article 205425.
Hohmann, M., & Pfeifer, C. (2022). Gravitational wave birefringence in spatially curved teleparallel cosmology. Physics Letters B, 834, Article 137437.
Hong, S. J., Wang, D., Wulferding, D., Lemmens, P., & Haug, R. J. (2022). Twisted double ABC-stacked trilayer graphene with weak interlayer coupling. Physical Review B, 105(20), Article 205404.
Jamadagni, A., & Weimer, H. (2022). Error-correction properties of an interacting topological insulator. Physical Review B, 106(11), Article 115133.
Jamadagni, A., & Weimer, H. (2022). Operational definition of topological order. Physical Review B, 106(8), Article 085143.,
Javanmard, Y., Liaubaite, U., Osborne, T. J., & Santos, L. (2022). Quantum simulation of dynamical phase transitions in noisy quantum devices. Advance online publication.
Junker, J., Wilken, D., Johny, N., Steinmeyer, D., & Heurs, M. (2022). Frequency-Dependent Squeezing from a Detuned Squeezer. Physical review letters, 129(3), Article 033602.
Junker, J., Wilken, D., Steinmeyer, D., & Heurs, M. (2022). Reconstructing Gaussian bipartite states with a single polarization-sensitive homodyne detector. Optics express, 30(19), 33860-33868.
Kalin, J., Sievers, S., Füser, H., Schumacher, H. W., Bieler, M., García-Sánchez, F., Bauer, A., & Pfleiderer, C. (2022). Optically excited spin dynamics of thermally metastable skyrmions in Fe0.75Co0.25Si. Physical Review B, 106(5), Article 054430.
Käseberg, T., Grundmann, J., Siefke, T., Kroker, S., & Bodermann, B. (2022). Abbildende Müller-Matrix-Ellipsometrie für die Charakterisierung vereinzelter Nanostrukturen. Technisches Messen, 89(6), 438-446.
Käseberg, T., Grundmann, J., Siefke, T., Klapetek, P., Valtr, M., Kroker, S., & Bodermann, B. (2022). Mueller Matrix Ellipsometric Approach on the Imaging of Sub-Wavelength Nanostructures. Frontiers in Physics, 9, Article 814559.
Kernbach, M., Sund, O. P., & Schell, A. W. (2022). Driving Waveform Dependency of Energy Dissipation of Trapped Particles. In Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, LAOP 2022 Article M2D.6 (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA).
Kiehn, H., Singh, V. P., & Mathey, L. (2022). Implementation of an atomtronic SQUID in a strongly confined toroidal condensate. Physical Review Research, 4(3), Article 033024.
Kiehn, H., Singh, V. P., & Mathey, L. (2022). Superfluidity of a laser-stirred Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A, 105(4), Article 043317.,
King, S. A., Spieß, L. J., Micke, P., Wilzewski, A., Leopold, T., Benkler, E., Lange, R., Huntemann, N., Surzhykov, A., Yerokhin, V. A., Crespo López-Urrutia, J. R., & Schmidt, P. O. (2022). An optical atomic clock based on a highly charged ion. NATURE, 611(7934), 43-47.,
Klepzig, L. F., Biesterfeld, L., Romain, M., Niebur, A., Schlosser, A., Hübner, J., & Lauth, J. (2022). Colloidal 2D PbSe nanoplatelets with efficient emission reaching the telecom O-, E- and S-band. Nanoscale Advances, 4(2), 590-599.
Komban, R., Spelthann, S., Steinke, M., Ristau, D., Rühl, A., Gimmler, C., & Weller, H. (2022). Bulk-like emission in the visible spectrum of colloidal LiYF4:Pr nanocrystals downsized to 10 nm. Nanoscale Advances, 4(14), 2973-2978.
Kück, S., López, M., Hofer, H., Georgieva, H., Christinck, J., Rodiek, B., Porrovecchio, G., Šmid, M., Götzinger, S., Becher, C., Fuchs, P., Lombardi, P., Toninelli, C., Trapuzzano, M., Colautti, M., Margheri, G., Degiovanni, I. P., Traina, P., Rodt, S., & Reitzenstein, S. (2022). Single photon sources for quantum radiometry: a brief review about the current state-of-the-art. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 128(2), Article 28.
Laanemets, D., Hohmann, M., & Pfeifer, C. (2022). Observables from spherically symmetric modified dispersion relations. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 19(10), Article 2250155.
Lange, R., Huntemann, N., Peshkov, A. A., Surzhykov, A., & Peik, E. (2022). Excitation of an Electric Octupole Transition by Twisted Light. Physical review letters, 129(25), Article 253901.
Lobo, I. P., Pfeifer, C., Morais, P. H., Batista, R. A., & Bezerra, V. B. (2022). Two-body decays in deformed relativity. Journal of high energy physics, 2022(9), Article 3.
Manglano Clavero, I., Margenfeld, C., Quatuor, J., Spende, H., Peters, L., Schwarz, U. T., & Waag, A. (2022). Gradients in Three-Dimensional Core–Shell GaN/InGaN Structures: Optimization and Physical Limitations. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 14(7), 9272–9280.
Martinez-Lahuerta, V. J., Eilers, S., Mehlstaeubler, T. E., Schmidt, P. O., & Hammerer, K. (2022). Ab initio quantum theory of mass defect and time dilation in trapped-ion optical clocks. Physical Review A, 106(3), Article 032803.
Meyer, J., Dickmann, W., Kroker, S., Gaedtke, M., & Dickmann, J. (2022). Thermally induced refractive index fluctuations in transmissive optical components and their influence on the sensitivity of Einstein telescope. Classical and quantum gravity, 39(13), Article 135001.
Meylahn, F., & Willke, B. (2022). Characterization of Laser Systems at 1550 nm Wavelength for Future Gravitational Wave Detectors. Instruments, 6(1), Article 15.
Meylahn, F., Willke, B., & Vahlbruch, H. (2022). Squeezed States of Light for Future Gravitational Wave Detectors at a Wavelength of 1550 nm. Physical review letters, 129(12), Article 121103.
Meylahn, F., Knust, N., & Willke, B. (2022). Stabilized laser system at 1550 nm wavelength for future gravitational-wave detectors. Physical Review D, 105(12), Article 122004.
Mosel, P., Sankar, P., Zulqarnain, Appi, E., Jusko, C., Zuber, D., Kleinert, S., Düsing, J., Mapa, J., Dittmar, G., Püster, T., Böhmer-Brinks, P., Vahlbruch, J. W., Morgner, U., & Kovacev, M. (2022). Potential hazards and mitigation of X-ray radiation generated by laser-induced plasma from research-grade laser systems. Optics express, 30(20), 37038-37050.
Müller, V., Hauk, M., Misfeldt, M., Müller, L., Wegener, H., Yan, Y., & Heinzel, G. (2022). Comparing GRACE-FO KBR and LRI Ranging Data with Focus on Carrier Frequency Variations. Remote sensing, 14(17), 4335. Article 4335.
Müllner, S., Büscher, F., Möller, A., & Lemmens, P. (2022). Discrimination of Chiral and Helical Contributions to Raman Scattering of Liquid Crystals Using Vortex Beams. Physical review letters, 129(20), Article 207801.
Neoričić, L., Jusko, C., Mikaelsson, S., Guo, C., Miranda, M., Zhong, S., Garmirian, F., Major, B., Brown, J. M., Gaarde, M. B., Couairon, A., Morgner, U., Kovačev, M., & Arnold, C. L. (2022). 4D spatio-temporal electric field characterization of ultrashort light pulses undergoing filamentation. Optics express, 30(15), 27938-27950.
Neto, L. S., Dickmann, J., & Kroker, S. (2022). Deep learning assisted design of high reflectivity metamirrors. Optics express, 30(2), 986-994.
Nicklaus, K., Voss, K., Feiri, A., Kaufer, M., Dahl, C., Herding, M., Curzadd, B. A., Baatzsch, A., Flock, J., Weller, M., Müller, V., Heinzel, G., Misfeldt, M., & Delgado, J. J. E. (2022). Towards NGGM: Laser Tracking Instrument for the Next Generation of Gravity Missions. Remote sensing, 14(16), 4089. Article 4089.
Niermann, L., & Osborne, T. J. (2022). Holographic networks for ( 1+1 )-dimensional de Sitter space-time. Physical Review D, 105(12), Article 125009.
Norcia, M. A., Poli, E., Politi, C., Klaus, L., Bland, T., Mark, M. J., Santos, L., Bisset, R. N., & Ferlaino, F. (2022). Can Angular Oscillations Probe Superfluidity in Dipolar Supersolids? Physical review letters, 129(4), Article 040403.,
Okugawa, T., Park, S., Recher, P., & Kennes, D. M. (2022). Vortex control in superconducting Corbino geometry networks. Physical Review B, 106(2), Article 024501.,
Oreshnikov, I., Melchert, O., Willms, S., Bose, S., Babushkin, I., Demircan, A., Morgner, U., & Yulin, A. (2022). Cherenkov radiation and scattering of external dispersive waves by two-color solitons. Physical Review A, 106(5), Article 053514.,
Paczkowski, S., Giusteri, R., Hewitson, M., Karnesis, N., Fitzsimons, E. ., Wanner, G., & Heinzel, G. (2022). Postprocessing subtraction of tilt-to-length noise in LISA. Physical Review D, 106(4), Article 042005.
Peibst, R., Rienäcker, M., Larionova, Y., Folchert, N., Haase, F., Hollemann, C., Wolter, S., Krügener, J., Bayerl, P., Bayer, J., Dzinnik, M., Haug, R. J., & Brendel, R. (2022). Towards 28 %-efficient Si single-junction solar cells with better passivating POLO junctions and photonic crystals. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 238, Article 111560.