
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers – 390837967

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Showing results 151 - 200 out of 744


Dickmann, J., Meyer, J., Gaedtke, M., & Kroker, S. (2023). Temperature-dependent photo-elastic coefficient of silicon at 1550 nm. Scientific reports, 13(1), Article 19455.
Dijck, E. A., Warnecke, C., Wehrheim, M., Henninger, R. B., Eff, J., Georgiou, K., Graf, A., Kokh, S., Kozhiparambil Sajith, L. P., Mayo, C., Schäfer, V. M., Volk, C., Schmidt, P. O., Pfeifer, T., & Crespo López-Urrutia, J. R. (2023). Sympathetically cooled highly charged ions in a radio-frequency trap with superconducting magnetic shielding. Review of scientific instruments, 94(8), Article 083203.
Ding, S., Domínguez-Castro, G. A., Julku, A., Camacho-Guardian, A., & Bruun, G. M. (2023). Polarons and bipolarons in a two-dimensional square lattice. SciPost Physics, 14(6), Article A3.,
Dörscher, S., Klose, J., Maratha palli, S., & Lisdat, C. (2023). Experimental determination of the E2−M1 polarizability of the strontium clock transition. Physical Review Research, 5(1), Article L012013.
Du, G., Grimpe, C., Sorokina, A., Gehrmann, P., Jordan, E., Kroker, S., Mehlstaubler, T., Du, G., & Sauer, S. (2023). Integrated Polarization Control for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers. In META 2023 Paris - France: The 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (pp. 1407-1408). (META proceedings).
Elliott, E. R., Aveline, D. C., Bigelow, N. P., Boegel, P., Botsi, S., Charron, E., D’Incao, J. P., Engels, P., Estrampes, T., Gaaloul, N., Kellogg, J. R., Kohel, J. M., Lay, N. E., Lundblad, N., Meister, M., Mossman, M. E., Müller, G., Müller, H., Oudrhiri, K., ... Williams, J. R. (2023). Quantum gas mixtures and dual-species atom interferometry in space. NATURE, 623, 502-508.,
Elsen, M., Piest, B., Adam, F., Anton, O., Arciszewski, P., Bartosch, W., Becker, D., Böhm, J., Boles, S., Döringshoff, K., Guggilam, P., Hellmig, O., Imwalle, I., Kanthak, S., Kürbis, C., Koch, M., Lachmann, M. D., Mihm, M., Müntinga, H., ... Bleeke, K. (2023). A Dual-Species Atom Interferometer Payload for Operation on Sounding Rockets. Microgravity Science and Technology, 35(5), Article 48.
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Feng, J. L., Kling, F., Reno, M. H., Rojo, J., Soldin, D., Anchordoqui, L. A., Boyd, J., Ismail, A., Harland-Lang, L., Kelly, K. J., Pandey, V., Trojanowski, S., Tsai, Y. D., Alameddine, J. M., Araki, T., Ariga, A., Ariga, T., Asai, K., Bacchetta, A., ... Zgura, I. S. (2023). The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 50(3), Article 030501.,
Filzinger, M., Dörscher, S., Lange, R., Klose, J., Steinel, M., Benkler, E., Peik, E., Lisdat, C., & Huntemann, N. (2023). Improved limits on the coupling of ultralight bosonic dark matter to photons from optical atomic clock comparisons. Physical Review Letters, 130(25), 253001. Article 253001.,
Frost, T. C. (2023). Gravitational lensing by charged accelerating black holes. In The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories: Proceedings of the MG16 Meeting on General Relativity Online; 5--10 July 2021 (pp. 3885-3904)
Frost, T. C. (2023). Gravitational lensing of massive particles in the charged NUT spacetime. Physical Review D, 108(12), Article 124019.
Giulini, D., Großardt, A., & Schwartz, P. K. (2023). Coupling Quantum Matter and Gravity. In C. Pfeifer, & C. Lämmerzahl (Eds.), Modified and Quantum Gravity: From Theory to Experimental Searches on All Scales (pp. 491-550). (Lecture Notes in Physics; Vol. 1017). Springer, Cham.
Guckel, J., Görke, M., Garnweitner, G., & Park, D. (2023). Smart Iterative Analysis Tool for the Size Distribution of Spherical Nanoparticles. Microscopy and microanalysis, 29(3), 1062-1070. Article ozad036.
Hartig, M. S., Schuster, S., Heinzel, G., & Wanner, G. (2023). Non-geometric tilt-to-length coupling in precision interferometry: mechanisms and analytical descriptions. Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 25(5), Article 055601.
Hartig, M. S., & Wanner, G. (2023). Tilt-to-length coupling in LISA Pathfinder: Analytical modeling. Physical Review D, 108(2), Article 022008.,
Heefer, S., Pfeifer, C., Reggio, A., & Fuster, A. (2023). A Cosmological unicorn solution to Finsler gravity. Physical Review D, 108(6), Article 064051.
Heefer, S., Pfeifer, C., Van Voorthuizen, J., & Fuster, A. (2023). On the metrizability of m -Kropina spaces with closed null one-form. Journal of mathematical physics, 64(2), Article 022502.
Herrmann, S., & Rätzel, D. (2023). Quantum Tests of Gravity. In Lecture Notes in Physics (pp. 449-476). (Lecture Notes in Physics; Vol. 1017). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Hetzel, M., Pezzè, L., Pür, C., Quensen, M., Hüper, A., Geng, J., Kruse, J., Santos, L., Ertmer, W., Smerzi, A., & Klempt, C. (2023). Tomography of a Number-Resolving Detector by Reconstruction of an Atomic Many-Body Quantum State. Physical review letters, 131(26), Article 260601.,
HosseiniArani, S. A., Tennstedt, B., Schilling, M., Knabe, A., Wu, H., Schön, S., & Müller, J. (2023). Kalman-Filter Based Hybridization of Classic and Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. In J. T. Freymueller, & L. Sánchez (Eds.), Geodesy for a Sustainable Earth - Proceedings of the 2021 Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy (pp. 221-231). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Vol. 154). Springer Nature.
Huarcaya, V., Dovale Álvarez, M., Yamamoto, K., Yang, Y., Gozzo, S., Martínez Cano, P., Mehmet, M., Esteban Delgado, J. J., Jia, J., & Heinzel, G. (2023). Single-Element Dual-Interferometer for Precision Inertial Sensing: Sub-Picometer Structural Stability and Performance as a Reference for Laser Frequency Stabilization. Sensors, 23(24), Article 9758.,
Jamadagni, A., Kazemi, J., & Weimer, H. (2023). Learning of error statistics for the detection of quantum phases. Physical Review B, 107(7), Article 075146.,
Jin, J., Bekker, H., Kirschbaum, T., Litvinov, Y. A., Pálffy, A., Sommerfeldt, J., Surzhykov, A., Thirolf, P. G., & Budker, D. (2023). Excitation and probing of low-energy nuclear states at high-energy storage rings. Physical Review Research, 5(2), Article 023134.
Jones, B. D. M., Uola, R., Cope, T., Ioannou, M., Designolle, S., Sekatski, P., & Brunner, N. (2023). Equivalence between simulability of high-dimensional measurements and high-dimensional steering. Physical Review A, 107(5), Article 052425.,
Jürss, T., Grosche, G., & Koke, S. (2023). Free-space interferometer design for optical frequency dissemination and out-of-loop characterization below the 10−21-level. Photonics research, 11(6), 1113-1124.
Kadum, J. E., Ji, J., Kuhl, A., Misera, M., Waterholter, T., & Koke, S. (2023). Optical frequency transfer with below 10(-21) uncertainty using a DFB-laser-based fiber Brillouin amplifier. APL Photonics, 8(3), Article 036113.
Karam, C., Vexiau, R., Bouloufa-Maafa, N., Dulieu, O., Lepers, M., Meyer Zum Alten Borgloh, M., Ospelkaus, S., & Karpa, L. (2023). Two-photon optical shielding of collisions between ultracold polar molecules. Physical Review Research, 5(3), Article 033074.
Kedar, D., Yu, J., Oelker, E., Staron, A., Milner, W. R., Robinson, J. M., Legero, T., Riehle, F., Sterr, U., & Ye, J. (2023). Frequency stability of cryogenic silicon cavities with semiconductor crystalline coatings. OPTICA, 10(4), 464-470.
Kirsten-Siemß, J. N., Fitzek, F., Schubert, C., Rasel, E. M., Gaaloul, N., & Hammerer, K. (2023). Large-Momentum-Transfer Atom Interferometers with μrad -Accuracy Using Bragg Diffraction. Physical review letters, 131(3), Article 033602.,
Knabe, A., Schilling, M., Wu, H., Hosseiniarani, A., Müller, J., Beaufils, Q., & Pereira Dos Santos, F. (2023). The Benefit of Accelerometers Based on Cold Atom Interferometry for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. In J. T. Freymueller, & L. Sánchez (Eds.), International Association of Geodesy Symposia (pp. 213-220). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Vol. 154). Springer Nature.
Koehlenbeck, S. M., Mow-Lowry, C. M., Bergmann, G., Kirchoff, R., Koch, P., Kühn, G., Lehmann, J., Oppermann, P., Wöhler, J., & Wu, D. S. (2023). A study on motion reduction for suspended platforms used in gravitational wave detectors. Scientific reports, 13(1), Article 2388.
Korbmacher, H., Sierant, P., Li, W., Deng, X., Zakrzewski, J., & Santos, L. (2023). Lattice control of nonergodicity in a polar lattice gas. Physical Review A, 107(1), Article 013301.,
Korbmacher, H., Domínguez-Castro, G. A., Li, W. H., Zakrzewski, J., & Santos, L. (2023). Transversal effects on the ground state of hard-core dipolar bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices. Physical Review A, 107(6), Article 063307.,
Kranzhoff, S. L., Lehmann, J., Kirchhoff, R., Carlassara, M., Cooper, S. J., Koch, P., Leavey, S., Lück, H., Mow-Lowry, C. M., Wöhler, J., von Wrangel, J., & Wu, D. S. (2023). A vertical inertial sensor with interferometric readout. Classical and quantum gravity, 40(1), Article 015007.,
Kulosa, A. P., Prudnikov, O. N., Vadlejch, D., Fürst, H. A., Kirpichnikova, A. A., Taichenachev, A. V., Yudin, V. I., & Mehlstäubler, T. (2023). Systematic study of tunable laser cooling for trapped-ion experiments. New journal of physics, 25(5), 053008. Article 053008.
Kurečić, I., & Osborne, T. J. (2023). Stochastic integral representation for the dynamics of disordered systems. Physical Review A, 107(4), Article 042213.
Kusmierek, K., Mahmoodian, S., Cordier, M., Hinney, J., Rauschenbeutel, A., Schemmer, M., Schneeweiss, P., Volz, J., & Hammerer, K. (2023). Higher-order mean-field theory of chiral waveguide QED. SciPost Physics, 6(2), Article 041.,
Latacz, B. M., Arndt, B. P., Bauer, B. B., Devlin, J. A., Erlewein, S. R., Fleck, M., Jäger, J. I., Schiffelholz, M., Umbrazunas, G., Wursten, E. J., Abbass, F., Micke, P., Popper, D., Wiesinger, M., Will, C., Yildiz, H., Blaum, K., Matsuda, Y., Mooser, A., ... Ulmer, S. (2023). BASE—high-precision comparisons of the fundamental properties of protons and antiprotons. European Physical Journal D, 77(6), Article 94.
Latacz, B. M., Arndt, B. P., Devlin, J. A., Erlewein, S. R., Fleck, M., Jäger, J. I., Micke, P., Umbrazunas, G., Wursten, E., Abbass, F., Schweitzer, D., Wiesinger, M., Will, C., Yildiz, H., Blaum, K., Matsuda, Y., Mooser, A., Ospelkaus, C., Smorra, C., ... Ulmer, S. (2023). Ultra-thin polymer foil cryogenic window for antiproton deceleration and storage. Review of scientific instruments, 94(10), Article 103310.,
Lezeik, A., Tell, D., Zipfel, K., Gupta, V., Wodey, É., Rasel, E., Schubert, C., & Schlippert, D. (2023). Understanding the gravitational and magnetic environment of a very long baseline atom interferometer. In R. Lehnert (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, CPT 2022: Proceedings of the Ninth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry (pp. 64-68). (Proceedings of the 9th Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, CPT 2022). World Scientific.,
Lindberg, D. R., Gaaloul, N., Kaplan, L., Williams, J. R., Schlippert, D., Boegel, P., Rasel, E. M., & Bondar, D. I. (2023). Asymmetric tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 56(2), Article 025302.,
Liu, Z., Wang, Z., Guckel, J., Park, D., Lalkens, B., Stosch, R., & Etzkorn, M. (2023). Positional control of DNA origami based gold dimer hybrid nanostructures on pre-structured surfaces. NANOTECHNOLOGY, 34(42), Article 425301.
Lobo, I. P., & Pfeifer, C. (2023). Muon accelerators—muon lifetime measurements as window to Planck scale physics. Classical and quantum gravity, 41(1), Article 015008.
Lotz, C., Piest, B., Rasel, E., & Overmeyer, L. (2023). The Einstein Elevator: Space Experiments at the new Hannover Center for Microgravity Research. Europhysics News, 54(2), 9-11.
Magunia, A., Rebholz, M., Appi, E., Papadopoulou, C. C., Lindenblatt, H., Trost, F., Meister, S., Ding, T., Straub, M., Borisova, G. D., Lee, J., Jin, R., von der Dellen, A., Kaiser, C., Braune, M., Düsterer, S., Ališauskas, S., Lang, T., Heyl, C., ... Pfeifer, T. (2023). Time-resolving state-specific molecular dissociation with XUV broadband absorption spectroscopy. Science advances, 9(47), Article eadk1482.
Manglano Clavero, I., Margenfeld, C., Hartmann, J., & Waag, A. (2023). Facet Control and Material Redistribution in GaN Growth on Three-Dimensional Structures. Crystal Growth and Design, 23(1), 263-272.
Matiushechkina, M., Evlyukhin, A. B., Zenin, V. A., Heurs, M., & Chichkov, B. N. (2023). High-efficiency silicon metasurface mirror on a sapphire substrate. Optical materials, 138, Article 113618.
Meyer-Hoppe, B., Baron, M., Cassens, C., Anders, F., Idel, A., Peise, J., & Klempt, C. (2023). Dynamical low-noise microwave source for cold-atom experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments, 94(7), Article 074705.,